26 September, 2013

Review - SOUTH PARK 17.01: 'Let Go, Let Gov'

Trey Parker kind-of pushes his quasi-right-wing agenda in the season 17 premiere of SOUTH PARK.

Cartman bitches about the NSA spying on him as he continuously transmits his every thought to the entire Internet. He then infiltrates the NSA to get all their info and share it with the world. Meanwhile the NSA spies on everyone and everything. Also, Alec Baldwin's a douche.

This is Parker's somewhat commentary on Edward Snowden and people who may be overreacting to the information he leaked, since people are already sharing all of their activity with the world. I say somewhat because the story never pulls the trigger on its message, seemingly fearful of saying what it really feels.

What Parker doesn't seem to understand, due to major Big Mac blockage in his brain, is that the people have always shared their lives with those around them. The Internet just makes that sharing wide-scale. The problem is the government's collection of that data and subsequent use of that data against anyone they consider a person of interest, violates basic Constitutional rights. We the people can say whatever we want, wherever we want. The government needs a court order to record it. And those court orders must be available for public scrutiny. At present, that's not how the NSA, and other agencies like it, are operating.

At least right-wingers will have an episode to rub their crotches all over.

If I had to rate this episode, and the NSA agent spying on my every move says I don't, I'd give it:

42 out of 100

Not a good start, but I do love the show and will never quit it! Bring on the hate.


This episode only exists because Edward Snowden exposed the government for its Constitution-raping practices. He has made Comedy Central millions.