GF Pages

05 April, 2013

CFBWMR Episode 2

Nacho and HGF talk about various topics including the VERONICA MARS movie; a potential CHUCK movie; Kickstarter and its problems; the new Star Wars movies and when Disney will stop pretending the old cast is not already locked in; more Star Wars talk; Canada and New Zealand Vs. ARGO.

All topics and musical tracks noted below.

Press play below to listen.

You can also RIGHT CLICK HERE and download the episode as an MP3.

Avan Lava - It's Never Over

Why Nacho?

Topic 1
CHUCK movie and Zachary Levi stirring things up with Kickstarter (due to the success of Veronica Mars). Including the problems facing any Kickstarter production.

Break 1
East Cameron FolkcoreSalinger is Dead

Topic 2
Harrison Ford says he expects to be in the new Star Wars. So when will Disney/LFL just stop pretending they haven’t already signed everyone?

Break 2
Jillette Johnson - Torpedo

Topic 3
ARGOfuckyourselves. Canadians and New Zealanders pissed off about inaccuracies.


Metallica - Harvester of Sorrow