GF Pages

08 January, 2012

21-Days of CHUCK! Day 4: The Bracelet is Important!

Fans sometimes latch onto things that the writers only introduce with the intent to never reference again, but sometimes they become so important to the fans that they take on a life all their own.

Probably the most important piece of shiny CHUCK fans latched onto was an object mentioned in the title of this article. "The Bracelet." Specifically, and I shouldn't even need to define it, Mama B's bracelet that Chuck gave to Sarah for Christmas, in season 2 episode 11, while being held hostage by what they would later discover was a Fulcrum agent.

It wasn't just that he gave her the bracelet. It was when he did it, how he did it, and her reaction to receiving it. Plus, and this may be what elevated its importance in the hearts and minds of fans, it was their words to each other about its meaning. If he was giving it to her, it was because he considered her his girlfriend. And by accepting it, she was acknowledging it.

Oh shipper hearts were a flutter!

Sure, the bracelet would appear several times throughout the life of the show, and would become a small piece of importance in the next Christmas hostage episode 3-seasons later. But it never became for the writers what it did for the fans.

Another piece of Chuck fan lore that became crazy important to some was Sarah's "sister" that she mentioned as part of some sunbathing accident cover story, or something. Once Sarah said it, some fans became obsessed with the idea that Sarah had a sister. Eventually we did discover that Sarah had a "sister" but she wasn't actually related to her and was too young to have been the one she was talking about anyway, proving yet again that she never existed.

And how about Sarah's real name, or names? Her middle name is Lisa? Then, her first name is Sam? Suddenly fans needed to know her full name! Sam Lisa what? SAM LISA WHAT?! But the writers never told (at least they haven't as of this writing, with four episodes to go).

To a lesser degree, some Casey fans have spent a few years talking about meeting his mother, the one he was apparently talking to on his cell phone in the same episode Chuck gave Sarah "The Bracelet." For all we know, Casey was faking it and actually talking to a sex-line operator.

Not to mention, what happened to Morgan's mom that Big Mike apparently married? WE NEVER SAW HER AGAIN! HUH?! WRITERS?! HUH?!

I lost it there for a second.

What was your show obsession that the writers never paid off or referenced again? Anonymous posting is, as always, enabled.