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20 January, 2012

21-Days of CHUCK! Day 15: The Captain Believes in You

Devon Woodcomb sure is Awesome! The guy can do virtually anything and do it better than everyone. Yet he is also the kindest character on the show. In his mind, anyone can become awesome too.

Let me just say right up front that, if you don't know by now, Devon Woodcomb is my favorite character on the show. Yep. It's not Chuck or Sarah or Casey or Morgan. It's Captain Awesome. Why? Because he is the most fictional of the characters. He is a gorgeous hunk of a man, who is a surgeon, and a capable spy (when he wanted to be one) who can't lie (there he is a crappy spy), loves only one woman, and is able to do virtually anything simply because he wills it.

You would think that with all those positive qualities that there couldn't be anything else about him that makes him my favorite, but there is. It's that he sees potential in everyone.

Awesome isn't cynical. He isn't condescending. He doesn't see dumb people and smart people. He sees individuals who haven't had the opportunity to become awesome yet.

When Morgan wanted to move out of his mom's place and start a life with Anna Wu, who did he go to for a loan? Devon. Granted, he bought a DeLorean instead.

When Jeff and Lester were struggling to become a band, who did Jeff seek out to give him a shot? Devon.

Who taught Chuck the tango? Sure, he only taught him the lady parts but still... Devon Woodcomb did that!

And he can also throw a mean punch. Just ask John Casey.

As previously stated, he could be a super spy. Well, if not for that one big flaw, the inability to lie well. And that is just another thing that makes him so lovable. He has performance anxiety when he has to do it. Though, he CAN do it when he has to... provided he isn't talking to Ellie. The two times he has tried to lie to her have been disasters.

1. Chuck Versus the Colonel, Awesome discovers that Chuck is a spy and has to keep it from Ellie. When Ellie arrives at home, Devon can barely utter a "yes" without it sounding like a lie. Ellie's interrogation of him nearly causes him to pass out while answer simple questions like "Did Sarah talk to him?" Luckily for him, his then fiance misread the nervousness for wedding jitters.

2. Chuck Versus Operation Awesome, following his disappearance after being kidnapped by Ring agents, and with the assistance of his brother-in-law, Devon tries to explain his absence to Ellie. The resulting discussion may just be the funniest scene in CHUCK history! I think Ellie is still under the impression that Casey has a drinking problem.

So, what are all the reason why you love the captain of Awesome?